Ms. Rodgers has been teaching at Roosevelt for 12ish years of her 22 year teaching career, the other ten being in New York City. She currently teaches AP English Language and Composition (AP Lang), and has previously taught senior inquiry. She says that “she loves it” when asked about teaching AP Lang, and that these past years have been the “happiest” while she has been teaching AP Lang. She loves teaching, especially AP Lang, as she loves the students and while she did not think that she would like AP Lang as the class is specifically geared towards the AP test, she has found that the class is very fulfilling and also very useful. She wishes that it could be mandatory for all tenth graders but it is not. She has done a wonderful job teaching her students how to be better writers and how to improve their analysis skills. When former students of hers are asked about her they mention her fun earrings, and how enthusiastic she is about her class as well as spirit week. She always brings her all for school events and will show up at any of her students’ sports games or events.