The school year has begun and the hallways are filled with emotions, from dreading homework to seeing familiar faces. One thing that almost all students are likely feeling during this time is excitement for clubs, performances, sports, friends, and classes. What exactly are you excited for? What things should you be looking forward to as a community member?
One junior said she is most looking forward to the AP tests this coming spring. Some may feel these tests are something to fear, but as she explained, it helps to have the support of friends to manage the stress of the tests. Another student talked about how she is “looking forward to all the theater and choir productions this year”. They are a lot of work, but it’s worth it, she added. Which many students agree with. One sophomore mentioned they are most looking forward to attending the theater productions this year. With Night of the Living Dead auditions having happened earlier this month, there is already a lot to be excited about for performers and audience members alike.
Exciting things are also happening in the Japanese program as one junior mentioned, “I am really involved in the Japanese program and I know there is a lot of stuff going with exchange students, and I’m hoping to go on the trip to Japan this year”. Two sophomores I interviewed talked about how they are excited for homecoming, spirit week, the football game, and the homecoming dance. If you want more things to look forward to, some upperclassmen suggested joining clubs and activities such as the Drama Club, Anime Club, Speech and Debate or even the Voices of Roosevelt’s very own newspaper club (we meet Tuesdays at lunch in room 295).
The upcoming Club Fair is a great time to learn about all the clubs the school has to offer. When in doubt many mentioned they stay engaged in the community through following Roosevelt instagram accounts such as Rider Connection for upcoming events. Attending school events like the recent dance team fundraiser at Mike’s Drive-In are also a way students can engage and have fun at Roosevelt. Riders have a plethora of things to look forward to this year, and even more to come.