Dexter is a series that originally aired from October 1, 2006, to September 22, 2013 on the Showtime Network. The show is about Dexter Morgan, who leads a double life as blood spatter analyst for the Miami Metro Police Department, who leads a double life as a vigilante serial killer. While helping solve murders, Dexter himself is a murderer of killers, something he justifies in the belief that he is serving justice. Every season has a different main villain and side villains, and it is through these situations that Dexter brings these characters into his life. The first season opens with Dexter introducing himself, and explains that he remembers very little about his childhood, especially the tragic incident that took his parents’ life. After that event, Dexter was adopted by his stepfather Harry, who told him that the trauma he experienced as a three year old toddler caused his memory loss. Throughout most of the season, Dexter continues to find out about his past and finds out his history as presented to him by Harry, might not be true. Dexter also develops a romantic relationship throughout the show. Initially, he dates Rita as part of his effort to maintain a good cover of normalcy and keep his secret in the dark. However, over time, Dexter grows to actually love Rita, going from using her as a cover to wanting to marry her. Rita, a mother of two, was set up with Dexter by his sister, Debra. Their father’s legacy has deeply influenced Debra, Dexter’s step-sister and Harry’s biological daughter. Harry used to be an esteemed detective in the Miami Metro Police Department, one of those few with the skill and wisdom. Debra joined the department as a rookie after inspiration from him, and with time, she started rising in the hierarchy, thereby building her reputation in the force. Dexter explores the problem of being distant to your human emotions, slowly though Dexter tries to connect to the real world and leave his habit of killing in the past. This show and its characters are all unique in their own way from Dexter believing he has no emotions to Henry lying to Dexter about his past, most of the characters all affect Dexter’s life and make him try to connect more to the human life. Dexter is available to watch on Netflix. All 8 seasons and its sequel is available on Paramount plus, I personally binged watched all seasons throughout summer and what made me interested was how Dexter always finds a way to accidentally bring these villains into his life and there’s always a risk that his secret will be revealed and put his son’s life at stake. Each episode has multiple plot lines going on that each next episode still carries on and is not mostly focused on Dexter but also the side characters.
October 11, 2024
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David, Podcast Team
David is a 17 year old senior at RHS. He describes himself as laid back, calm, and chill. David is fluent in both English and Spanish and enjoys playing soccer with his friends in his freetime. A motto he lives by is “your body is a temple.” He has one cat and his favorite class is English. One of his strengths is he will always try to make a connection and real conversation with anyone who talks to him.