We all know what passing period is for and we all know what the hallways are for, yet people still have trouble walking through the halls. They have trouble getting to classes, one of the main reasons for that is because people are standing in the middle of the hallways and talking. We get it if you want to talk to your friends, check up on them, we truly understand that and we love that. However, what we don’t love is why it has to be in the middle of the walk space, the space people need to get through to get to classes on time. We understand wanting to get the latest gossip and what not, but you could also do that to the side so people can get through or you can share your stories over message.
Students not being able to get to classes is bad enough, but even teachers are having a hard time getting to their classrooms. Hall monitors can’t even monitor the halls because they can’t even see the hall floor let alone get through or be heard in them. Not only is it causing hardships for transportation but it’s starting to get dangerous. Students are shoving one another and others are tripping over people and things, needless to say it’s just unsafe. We are way over student capacity. There are 1,376 students here at RHS with a student-teacher ratio of 15 to 1.
Patience is key, if you’re impatient and don’t want to wait for people to get a move on in the halls there are other ways to get to some classes. From the very top floor you can walk all the way to the stairwell that leads to the weightlifting hall. From there you get to the second floor/ main floor easily just take the double door on your right, if you’re trying to get to the very bottom floor instead of going through the double doors on the right take a left and go down the stairs next to the weight lifting room.
With this in mind I hope everyone at least puts in some effort to declutter the halls, for both students and staff. With halls that we are able to walk through properly, students and staff can get what they need and go where they need to go safely and quickly. At the very least consider having your conversations to the side of the hallways, and move to the side if someone says excuse me. With the visual map and directions, I hope some people can navigate the chaotic halls a little better.